Quotable Quotes That Have Inspired You, like 人无远虑,必有近忧

another of Master Ri-Chang’s often used exhortation:

Am I trying to learn from Buddha or am I trying to learn on my terms?

Taken from Master’s Lamrim Commentary Track 86A:


This reminds me to be mindful not to wilfully interpret Buddha’s teachings based on my own preference and for my own liking.

An often heard battlecry from Master Ri-Chang:


Referencing the Lamrim Commentary Track 86B

Further, you must see any affliction as an enemy and attack it as soon as it arises in your mind.
Otherwise, if you acquiesce when it first appears, and then nurture it with improper thoughts, you will have no way to delete it, and it will conquer you in the end.


> 信为欲依,欲为勤依

My rough translation:
desire is built on faith, diligence is then built on this desire (the desire here refers to the desire for the Teachings)

Master Ri-Chang explains it here:

你要努力去做!可是要努力去做要什么?要信心,有了信心你就生起这个欲,“信为欲依,欲为勤依”。你有了正确的了解,那个时候才启发信心,有了信心这个善法欲就起 (p99) 来了,有了善法欲就精进就起来了。那么“了解”哪来的?听闻,依靠善知识。
BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺 — 第51卷B面