Glossary of Chinese/English Buddhist terms

I found some online resources that helps me find the matching Buddhist terms between Chinese and English. This allows me to google for the articles in English.
Sharing them here. Hope it aids everybody’s studies. :pray:

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as an example, when I encounter the term 贍部洲, I just take it as referring to one of the four regions in the Buddhist cosmology.

Curiosity will normally lead me to google for more details where I will be presented with a long list of Chinese sites - kinda painful for this not-so-good reader of Chinese :persevere:

Thus, a small shout of joy when I found the above resources to help get the English term for 贍部洲, which is Jambudvīpa…sparking a marathon of wiki-ing and googling the English content to my heart’s content :grin:

The Regions:
东胜神洲 / 东毗提诃 > (East) Purvavideha
南瞻部洲 / 南阎浮提 > (South) Jambudvīpa
西牛贺洲 / 西瞿耶尼 > (West) Aparagodaniya
北俱卢洲 / 北郁单越 > (North) Uttarakuru

More details:
In English:
In Chinese:四大部洲/1899808?fromtitle=四大洲&fromid=5415672

another term I take for granted is 三藏 and 三藏法师.
one will hear it so often that it becomes like just another name…brandied about quite conveniently

a search reveals how such a term has so much connotation:

三藏 - tripiṭaka which is:


Encountered Master Ri-Chang mention 布萨 in his Lamrim commentary Track 32A


Went to look up the English term: 布萨 > Uposatha

also was interested in 格喜 and how Master Ri-Chang mentioned the effort and time needed to produce a Venerable of such qualification: a statistic of 1 out of 1000


格喜 is a Tibetan term and the English equivalent will be Geshe:

for lineage, I often get confused. Putting it here for reference:

弥勒菩萨 > Maitreya
无着菩萨 > Asanga

文殊菩萨 > Mañjuśrī
龙树菩萨 > Nāgārjuna

What is 功德?
It is easily translated as 功德 > Merits.

However, Master Ri-Chang has given an example of it here (Lamrim Commentary Track 56B)

所谓功德,是什么叫做功德?就是你做了这件事情,留下来对大家有善的、好的果报的影响的,这个叫做功德。所以这个布施 (p285) 得到的功德是怎么样的?原则上面说,比如说你送一个铜钱,送给别人,然后呢他那个钱摆在那里的话,这个功德不一定得到;他拿到了那个钱,然后呢买了吃饱,吃饱了肚子,那个时候你的功德就得到,这样的啊!现在你做了一件事情,如果做了一件事情,你这影响力量,在世间产生了影响力量,那功德就得到。

From what Master has said, I read that merit can be better described as the beneficial effect rather than the act itself!

声闻 > hearers / sravakas

Those who follow the path to liberation from cyclic existence and become arhats. They are so-called because they hear the Buddha’s teachings and teach them to others. (Pali: sāvaka, Sanskrit: śrāvaka)

缘觉 / 独觉 > solitary realizer

Someone who, in their last lifetime before becoming an arhat, practice in solitude at a time when no Buddha has appeared in the world. (Pali: paccekabuddha, Sanskrit: pratyekabuddha)

Also realised that there is a great glossary of English Buddhism terms at

辟支佛 (Pratyekabuddhas) can be said to be 缘觉 / 独觉 > solitary realizer
This is also based on Master Ri-Chang’s Lamrim Commentary Track 89A

“佛” 那就是大乘的,“辟支佛”是缘觉,“声闻”,

Master Ri-Chang mentioned this case study of an Arhat (阿罗汉) called
周利槃陀伽 > Suddhipanthaka or Kṣudrapanthaka

这个佛的大弟子当中有一个非常特殊的,也很了不起的一个人—周利槃陀伽,大家都晓得这个人。这个人为什么这么特别呢?因为他笨。他这个笨的情况简直是,他哥哥要出家,他也要跟着他哥哥出家,不 (p57) 让他出家,哭哭啼啼,因为他太笨嘛,实在笨得一塌糊涂。然后呢佛就看见了,说:“好好好!那你来出家吧!”那么出了家了。出家了以后呢,那个时候已经有很多佛弟子就教他,跟了几百个人哪,就教他一个偈子就记不住。教一个偈子,四句偈喔!就是得前忘后,实在没有方法,最后就告诉他学“扫帚”两个字。他就念扫帚,念了个扫,扫什么?扫什么?帚字忘记掉了。哦,扫帚,帚帚帚,帚了半天,帚什么?扫字忘记掉了。那我们无法想像说天下居然有这么笨的人!欸,就有这么笨的人。后来他证罗汉果了,他证了罗汉果了。

那么当然这个里边还有很多很有趣的事情,可是真正最主要的这个里边什么原因呢?那么就问佛了。那么佛就说呀,他说在很多无量无边劫以前,那个时候有一个佛出世,那个时候佛出世的时候,有一个国王出了家,那么出了家以后,后来呢王子也出家。那么出了家以后就跟着去学,去学的其中,他先跟着那个和尚。那个和尚就告诉他很多方法,除了讲那个所谓持戒什么等等,当然讲那个法理,那个佛法的法理主要的都是讲空缘起,他对这个东西听不进,他对这个就是听不进。所以他就毁谤,心里面就否定那个和尚所教的。可是那个阿阇黎告诉他的,他倒满听得进,就这样。所以他这个人持戒的行相是持得非常好,但是对于这个佛法的真正深入的内涵就不相应,不相应而且还去毁谤。所以后来 (p58) 他死了以后就堕阿鼻地狱,哎呀,不晓得多苦。然后出来了以后余报他一直笨,笨得一直多生多劫就是这样,一直到现在,一直到现在他还是这么个笨法。但是他毕竟还在出家当中有过这么一段缘,所以后来证了果了,这是一个。
From Lamrim Commentary Track 58B

The very much shorter English version here:

a bit of history of how Buddhism spread to China.
安士高 > An Shigao

The Chinese entry has some interesting stories:安士高

唯识宗 > Yogācāra
The Mind-Only school, a Buddhist philosophical system that posits that objects cannot exist independently of being perceived by the mind.

中观见 > Madhyamaka

another good glossary of terms used in Buddhist studies.
seems to be from a student of Lamrim:

secondary precepts (?) or
faults that require the exercise of restraint


primary precepts (?) or
wrong by nature

Master Ri-Chang provides a definition here:

Lamrim Commentary Track 62B

善逝子 > Sugata

From wiki:

From a Chinese page:佛學大辭典/善逝

The Lamrim Chenmo mostly use the term “good quality” for 功德。For example, under the outline for Going for Refuge, 知功德 is translated as “Going for refuge by knowing the good qualities”. In this case, “good quality” does convey the meaning better than “merits”.

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thank you Venerable @Bensi for the pointer :muscle:

Master Ri-Chang mentioned 四念处 in his Lamrim Commentary Track 68A:


Curious, I googled for the term and found some descriptions for it:

The English Wiki is here:

嗢柁南 > uddāna

uddāna : (nt.) 1. a list; a table of contents; 2. a cluster.

Uddāna, (nt.) (fr. ud + dā, dayati to bind: see under dāma) a group of Suttas, used throughout the Vinaya Piṭaka, with ref. to each Khandhaka, in the Saṃyutta, the Aṅguttara and other books (cp. Miln. 407) for each group of about ten Suttas (cp. DhsA. 27). The Uddāna gives, in a sort of doggerel verse, at the end of each group, the titles of the Suttas in the group. It may then be roughly rendered “summary”. If all the Uddānas were collected together, they would form a table of contents to the whole work.—Otherwise the word has only been found used of fishes “macchuddāna” (so J. II, 425; DhA. II, 132). It then means a group of fish placed apart for for sale in one lot. Perhaps a set or a batch would meet the case. (Page 135)
Source: Uddana, Uddāna: 15 definitions

Master Ri-Chang’s explanation is here:

BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺 — 第68卷B面

I was curious about the difference between 报身佛 and 化身佛.
Did some Googling and found these articles:

三身佛 > Trikaya


三昧耶 > Samaya

Master Ri-Chang mentions in his Lamrim Commentary Track 65B:


What is 三昧耶?