What to do when we need to burn or dispose of Buddhist objects (with respect)?

@Jereme asked about this.
Here is Venerable Ru De talking about this topic (Starting from the 1min 50s mark):

I think the crux is to respectfully do the action and visualise the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas going back to their realm

咒語:唵 班紮 北 嘎 (瑪) 啊 札 瑪 吽 (共9或10字 可唸3遍或7遍或21遍)


And then reciting the above mantra.

This topic was re-visited by Venerable Ru Jun in a recent Q&A online discourse I attended.

Some pointers shared by fellow attendees:

When disposing the Buddhist objects or going into dirty places (e.g. toilets) with scriptures/relics, we can recite the 金剛力咒 in one of the following ways:

​佛法字紙、佛像、唐卡處理方式 【金剛力咒】兩種參考版本如下:
1.唵 班紮 北 嘎瑪 阿扎嗎 吽
2.唵 班紮 北 嘎 阿扎嗎 吽
尊已成辦眾生利 賜予相順諸悉地 現雖已至佛境地 祈願再度降來臨


尊已成辦眾生利 賜予相順諸悉地 現雖已至佛境地 祈願再度降來臨 唵 班雜 貝嘎瑪阿雜瑪 吽 [三遍]

I also found another video with Venerable Ru De doing some explanation on this.
