根本无分别智——如所有性(唯识)、见一切法的特质、见空。天台讲的“胜义谛”。Wisdom that understands the real nature of phenomena[emptiness]. (根本)无分别智 The nonconceptual sublime wisdom.
后得无分别智——尽所有性(唯识)、见一切法的缘起、见有。天台讲的“俗谛”。Wisdom that understands the diversity of phenomena.
3.一切相智:又云一切种智、一切智智。即通达总相与别相智,即佛智。Sublime wisdom of omniscience 台家认此三智为修空、假、中三观所成,即一切智为空观所成,道种智为假观所成,一切种智为中观所成。
There are two kinds of certain goodness: the liberation that is mere freedom from cyclic existence and the sublime state of omniscience.
【决定胜中,略有二种,谓证解脱仅出生死及一切种智位,】 https://bwmonastery.org.sg/lr33a
Vairocana’s Great Enlightenment Discourse says: Lord of Secrets, the sublime wisdom of omniscience comes from compassion as its root. It comes from the spirit of enlightenment as its cause. It is brought to completion by method.
【如《毗卢遮那现证菩提经》云:“秘密主,一切种智者,从大悲根本生,从菩提心因生,以诸方便而至究竟。”】 https://bwmonastery.org.sg/lr105b
If it were correct, then the children of the conquerors who have ascended to the great levels where they have attained the nonconceptual sublime wisdom that perceives the ultimate truth, and, in particular, the eighth-level bodhisattvas, who have control over nonconceptual wisdom, would not need the bodhisattva deeds.
【此若是实,则已获得无分别智,证胜义谛大地菩萨,及诸特于无分别智获得自在八地菩萨不须修行,然此非理。】 https://bwmonastery.org.sg/lr106b
Adding a relevant portion from Master Ri-Chang’s Lamrim Commentary: Track 141b
**Below, I will teach at length two topics that come from the classic texts: the stages of how to practice insight—wisdom that observes the real nature and the diversity of phenomena—and the stages of the practice of meditative serenity, which is meditative stabilization.