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因为我们知道怎么做取舍所以会认真的去做。它的差别是在于三宝是福田,比世间的田或是家里的田, 相对之下,福田是最殊胜的,只要裡面种一点点,它能够得到很大的收获。

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I appreciate Venerable’s advice very much.

I usually encounter this conflict. Trying to push away or quickly and haphazardly complete my commitment to work or to my family so that I can have more time to do by Buddhist studies.

Hearing Venerable’s advice, I know that if I establish a positive intent behind every work or task that I do, I can still be doing my Buddhist practice - that of training my mind.

From our abbot’s series of discourses recently, I learned that the most powerful intention is the spirit of enlightenment. If we act on bodhicitta, all that we think and do (including houseworks) are merits to attain Buddhahood.

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