不要忽略听闻前行 - 「断器三过、具六想」,还有「以五想听闻正法」

老师在全球广论 II 里叮咛我们:



【正闻轨理分二,① 断器三过,② 依六种想。 今初】
How you actually listen. How to listen has two parts:

  1. Abandoning the three faults of a vessel
  2. Relying on the six ideas

【◎ 若器倒覆,】
(1) being upside down;
or (2) though held right side up, being dirty;
or (3) though clean, having a leaky bottom.

【◎ 依六想中,】
b. Relying on the six ideas
1.Think of yourself as a sick person.
2.Think of the instructor as a doctor.
3.Think of the instructor’s explications as medicine. Just as a sick person has a high regard for the medicine prescribed by a doctor,
4.Think of earnest practice as the way to cure your disease.
5.Think of the Tathâgatas as excellent beings. Develop respect by remembering the one who set forth the teaching, the Bhagavan [Buddha].
6.Wish that the teaching will endure for a long time. Think, “How wonderful if, in dependence upon studying such teachings, the Conqueror’s teachings would remain in the world for a long time!”

above text translation taken from Master Ri-Chang’s Lamrim Commentary:

那下一半, 以五想聽聞正法

that you should listen with five ideas in mind; that is,

with (1) the idea of a jewel, due to the fact that the teachings are rare because Buddhas seldom appear nor do their teachings;

(2) the idea of an eye, since the wisdom that arises together with hearing the teachings becomes greater and greater;

(3) the idea of illumination, since the eye of wisdom that has arisen will see the real nature [emptiness] and the diversity [of all phenomenal;

(4) the idea of great benefit, since in the end the teachings bestow the results of nirvâna and great enlightenment;

and (5) the idea of being beyond reproach, since from this very moment you will attain the bliss of meditative serenity and insight, the causes of nirvâna and great enlightenment.

To contemplate this is to contemplate the benefits of hearing the teaching.

above text translation taken from Master Ri-Chang’s Lamrim Commentary: