
Venerable Ru-Du asked this question in his discourse on why one should be volunteering:

will you be able to pass the big test when you are close to death?

I think the answer should be to start preparing now for this big test.
And this is by using every opportunity, obstacle and challenge to test ourselves - treating each like a mini test or revision so that we will be more confident when the next bigger one comes along.

This is encapsulated by the saying Venerable brought up:

my attempt at translation:
when things are quiet, the challenge is just 1/10 that when it is chaotic
when things are chaotic, the challenge is just 1/10 that when one is sick
when one is sick, the challenge is just 1/10 when one is near death

watch the video for more of Venerable’s wisdom:

In Venerable Ru De’s discourse on the life of Master Atisa, this portion of the video helped me better realise that all practitioners will face obstacles, challenges, temptation.

See from the 3min 49s mark (start from the beginning of the video to better understand the context):

I read from Master Ri-Chang’s discourse that one reason of failing to overcome the obstacles we face during our practice is because we have not truly believed in the cause and effect of Karma. If we had, we would be working even harder on the causes rather than lamenting about the effect we suffered.

Lamrim Commentary Track 123a

我们做得到吗?实际上不一定,不一定。当然我们生了病了、等等了,固然是这个上提不起来,就是身体很好的时候,稍微有一点的话,心里面就随着烦恼而去。假定因果真的非常清楚的话,他只有一件事情要做,什么?勤精进。在因地上面是一刻不缓,当下一念看得非常清楚,是不是如理的、如量的,是不是跟善法相应,乃至于是不是这威仪当中─如理的威仪是无覆无记当中,必然的现象。我们做到吗?做不到!这说明什么?说 (p68) 明了我们真正对这因、果两样东西,的的确确是有一个浮浅的认识,有一个浮浅的知道。说得更实在一点的话,这个知道,往往还只是名相、名字,心里面对这两个东西,究竟产生多少力量的话,这个就很难说了。因为内心正确对因果的知见不深,所以碰见事情的时候,说不定我们的行为的话,欸,不知不觉当中害了这个毛病,害了这个毛病,就这样。