The 5 Great Treatises

五部大論 The 5 Great Treatises


般若經 ( Mahaprajna paramita sutra) = 最為高尚,其內容有顯義空性次第(空性的道理)與 隱義現觀次第(成佛之道)兩種。

  1. 现观荘严论 Ornament of Clear Realisation by Maitreya 弥勒菩萨 = 主要闡釋隱義"現觀次第". 居為五部大論之核心地位 core nucleus position of the 5 treatises,也是一切修持的根本論 the root foundational commentary.

  2. 入中论 Engaging in the Middle Way by Chandrakirti 月称菩萨 = 主要述說的內容是顯義"空性次第". 也就是 《现观荘严论》的見解 the view aspect of Ornament of Clear Realisation commentary.

  3. 释量论 Commentary on Valid Cognition by Dharmakirti 法称论师 = 印度因明学, 是深入經藏的工具書. 也就是 《现观荘严论》 的理路 the reasoning aspect of Ornament of Clear Realisation commentary.

  4. 俱舍论 Treasury of Knowledge by Vasubandhu 世亲菩萨 = 是更仔細地說明一些佛學名相. 也就是《现观荘严论》 的細說 the detailed description aspect of Ornament of Clear Realisation commentary.

  5. 戒论 Sutra on Vinaya by Ganaprabha (One of the 4 great disciples of Vasubandhu) 功德光菩萨 = 是教導我們如何持守戒律 vinaya disciplinary rules . 也就是 《现观荘严论》 的修持 the practice aspect of Ornament of Clear Realisation commentary.