How do we know if we have truly understood the literal meaning and tenets in the Dharma teaching? What is the purpose of the teaching?

Master wrote in one paragraph of his diary: “Coming here again, I reflect on what I have learned from the stages-on-the-path, I deeply feel a sense of unease. That is, instead of applying the tenets for self-purification, I apply the tenets on others. I should discipline my mind first. Only when I have achieved it, will I then be able to be of service to others.”
Global Lamrim 2, Lecture 0018
BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺 — Lecture No. 0018

How do we know if we have truly understood the literal meaning and tenets in the Dharma teaching? What is the purpose of the teaching?

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If we truly understand the literal meaning and tenets, we will naturally apply the tenets to introspect ourselves, to examine ourselves. As the Buddha’s teachings is really for us to transform our mind, naturally we will use it to transform our mind, if we truly understand the meaning of the text. For example, if we read a book on learning to swim or to ride a bicycle, can we really consider ourselves as having understood what the text is saying unless we actually ride a bicycle or take a swim? I think if we don’t actually ride the bicycle or jump into the water and try to swim, I don’t think we can say that we really understood the instructions on how to swim or cycle.

So the purpose of the teaching is really for us to transform our mind to self-purify our mind, so unless we try to use the Buddha’s teachings and apply it to purify our mind, we won’t really understand even the textual meaning.

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