《大方广佛华严经》Avatamsaka Sūtra

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Known in Chinese as Hua-yen and in Japanese as Kegon-kyo, the Avatamsaka Sutra, or Flower Ornament Scripture, is held in the highest regard and studied by Buddhists of all traditions. Through its structure and symbolism, as well as through its concisely stated principles, it conveys a vast range of Buddhist teachings.
Download PDF eBook – The Flower Ornament Scripture A Translation Of The Avatamsaka Sutra By Thomas Cleary

#AnalyticalMeditation观修, #AvataṃsakaSūtra华严经, #Lamrim广论, #Sutra佛经 #Dharma佛法, #Mahayana大乘, #Spirit灵

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I often get confused between 华严经 (Flower Ornament Scripture) and 法华经 (Lotus Sutra).

Lucky for me, Master Zhen-Ru had highlighted Master Ri-Chang’s commentary on 华严经 (Flower Ornament Scripture) and 法华经 (Lotus Sutra) in her recent Lamrim discourse.

可是從另外一個角度來去看的話,這兩個之間就有絕大的差異。《法華》一開頭的時候是授記,乃至於二乘大智舍利弗等等,每一個人都成佛。最後說,不要說證羅漢果了,隨便一個人,他只要有一天接觸到了佛法,留下那個種子的話,他最後也成佛。所以《法華》裡面說:「若人散亂心,入於塔廟中,一稱南無佛,皆已成佛道。」一個普通的人以散亂心,就像我們普普通通,你跑到那個廟當中看見了佛像,啊!歡喜了,說:「啊!南無佛。」念了一聲佛,他最後這個種子也成佛,說明這個,究竟一定成佛!但是這個成佛的時間上來說,那卻是從種下這個種子到最後圓滿的時候,不曉得要經過多長多遠的無量無邊的阿僧祇劫。那是個天文數字,我們根本無法想像!不要說是個凡夫,就是一個證了果的小乘聖者,像大智舍利弗等等,他們都要還經過很長的天文數字的一個年代才能成佛,所以成佛的時間這麼遠! [03′58″]

而另外同樣的是圓教的《華嚴》呢?善財童子以「十信滿心」最後以十大願王導歸極樂,就一生取辦。這個差得天差地遠,這個差得太遠、太遠了!假定說這個兩者時間當中說,啊!反正慢一點成佛沒關係啊,那個時候我們在天堂上面享福,那倒不妨慢一點。要曉得這樣的天文數字,那一段時候的話,極大部分、極大部分都在惡道當中受無量無邊的痛苦啊!現在這種痛苦叫我們受一點點都受不了,何況這麼長的時間。所以這個時間對我們是絕端重要的一件事情。這個裡邊兩者同樣成佛,而真正決定的關鍵,如果我們有機會、有能力,以及自己想去抉擇的話,是決定會找那個快速的,絕不可能說慢慢地來的。 [05′03″]



Manjushri said to Chief in Knowledge, “Excellent, 0 Child of Buddha! You have asked this out of a desire to benefit many, to bring peace to many, out of pity for the world, to profit and gladden celestial and human beings . Child of Buddha, if enlightening beings use their minds properly, they can attain all supreme qualities, can have a mind unhin­dered in regard to all enlightening teachings, can remain on the Path of the Buddhas of past, present, and future, never leaving it even while living in the midst of sentient beings, can comprehend the characteris­tics of all things, cut off all evil and fulfill all good. They will be physically most excellent, like Samantabhadra; all of their practical vows they will be able to fulfill, and will be free in all ways, and will be guides for all sentient beings. How can they use their minds so as to attain all supreme sublime qualities?

下载 大方广佛华严经卷第十四《净行品第十一》偈颂
Download Avatamsaka Sūtra - Book Eleven Purifying Practices Verses

#AnalyticalMeditation观修, #AvataṃsakaSūtra华严经, #Lamrim广论, #Sutra佛经 #Dharma佛法, #Mahayana大乘, #Spirit灵

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