A Place To Discuss Buddhism

Have you felt compelled to share good content that you’ve come across? They can be spiritually-meaningful stories in our everyday life or positive videos that provide us with the inspiration to carry on. Or learnt new insights about Buddhism or harbour burning questions related to the Dharma and looking for like-minded friends to share and discuss?

From time to time, we will select some of the more popular debated questions and seek our Venerables’ advice on them. We will then document down the answer in our “Venerables’ Answers” forum.

Start discussing, asking and learn to be wiser together! :heart_eyes::pray:

你可曾看过非常特出的内容, 富有意义又激励人心的精神故事, 抑或正面又鼓舞人们向上的好视频, 并迫切想将它分享出去让更多人受益? 也许, 你对刚认识到的佛法新知识有所体会或存在着许多疑惑, 欲寻求目标一致的同行善友讨论, 解答?

不必再找了, 此平台就是绝佳之地, 让你自由发挥学佛心得与讨论佛法问题。欢迎你随意分享并从他人的回应或见解中学习到更多。