Quotable Quotes That Have Inspired You, like 人无远虑,必有近忧

Master Ri-Chang has often used this phrase:
one that does not consider a higher objective, will be beset with present worries (please pardon my attempt at translating :neutral_face:)

~Lamrim Commentary Track 26B

I try to use this when faced with difficult decisions: being conscious of a further goal normally helps me in deciding between my options.

What are other quotes and sayings that you find useful? hope to hear more sharings!

This is shared by my 班长, translation again (badly) provided by me


《A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life》says:
If there is a remedy,then what is the use of unhappiness ?
If there is no remedy,then what is the use of frustration?

Again, good to dispel getting worried unnecessarily.


Comes from a Confucius anecdote that Master Ri-Chang provided in his Lamrim Commentary Track 56B:


My learning here is not to blindly follow advice - especially important when faced with views from someone adept at convincing his audience. Thus one should observe, reflect and understand on the advice before taking it to heart.

If one is a true practitioner, one will not be looking at the faults of others.

Implying that as a practitioner, we should be looking at our own faults and striving to correct them.

Referencing Master Ri-Chang’s Lamrim Commentary Track 12 B:


法尚应舍 何况非法


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I first heard of this quote from my dad - “Slow and steady win the race”. It’s from Aesop Fables but as years went by, I slowly understood that it means not to just rush to get things done to accomplish the results, but to focus on taking the time to understand the process and building up strength to improve it.

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Master Ri-Chang shared this quote

It is rather hard to translate the meaning…
but some context of it will help:

Lamrim Commentary Track 60B

My understanding will be that when we do good, the priority is to better ourselves in our practice rather than with the intent to show to others that we are good.

做好事, 说好话, 存好心
Do good things, say positive stuff, maintain a good heart

Taken from this discourse by 如得法师 on how to better respond what facing your aging parents that have become more and more obstinate:

父母老了變固執怎麼辦?《 與善知識心靈對話 》

We should of course start trying this mantra out with our parents but I think it is equally applicable to anyone we interact with

The 《Collection of Indicative Verses》: Those who are childish and know themselves to be childish are wise in this regard.

The 《Collection of Indicative Verses》: Those who are childish but consider themselves To be wise—they are called childish.

Translation taken from Lamrim Commentary Track 62A

Useful verses to help temper our pride and continue to work on improving ourselves.
Considering that these quotes were by the past sages, it shows the incongruity if we were to think that we have attained some wisdom and then slacken off right there.

It is easy to fool others (on your intentions) but to deceive yourself, it is not possible (you know best whether your intentions are good or bad).

Taken from Master Ri-Chang’s Lamrim Commentary Track 64A:


Again, a reminder to constantly examine our own thoughts and intentions.

I am going through lessons on Karma now and my 班长 shared this saying:


The translation (taken from a Dharma Realm Buddhist Association page):
We are what we have done; and
what we do we will become.

I must admit the English translation is quite catchy too.
Good reminder when we think about our daily actions.

My own translation:
**don’t just because one knows a bit of Dharma, **
one goes around with a “magic mirror” to judge others.

I often fall into this trap. I must remember to use this “magic mirror” on myself rather than on others!

Quote taken from Master Ri-Chang’s Lamrim Commentary Track 63B:


Master Ri-Chang quotes 密勒日巴尊者 in his Lamrim Commentary Track 71A :


Master Ri Chang’s explanation of this quote:


My own interpretation is “to be mindful of the foundation and work on the basics will naturally get one to the higher practice, being patient with our practice will speed up our progress, to focus on helping oneself will in turn help others”


Master Ri-Chang’s explanation for this quote can be found in his Lamrim Commentary Track 77b:


and further down…


My take on this quote is to be always mindful of our conceit and vigilant about our assumptions that our thinking is correct.

Master Ri-Chang said:

If I can endure small illnesses, the big illnesses I will then be able to endure;
Small suffering I endure, the big suffering I can then endure.

Taken from his Lamrim Commentary Track 81b:


A reminder for me not to kid myself that I will be ready for the big challenge of death if I don’t even train myself with the small, daily challenges of life.

Throughout his Lamrim Commentary, Master Ri-Chang will often exclaim:

What are you practising?

And in various forms and intonations:




A search through the text reveals many more examples:

I think what Master Ri-Chang is trying to emphasise is that we should understand what we are practising otherwise we will be expending much effort and accomplishing little.

So how do we understand better the practices? My take is to read more of the scriptures and listen to more discourses by Venerables and Masters.

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A beautiful verse that encapsulates how we can see the world as it is - undesirable:

Consequently, as Guhyadatta’s 《Edifying Tale of the Seven Maidens》 states: We see the things of the world as wavering images of the moon in water. We see attachments as shadows of the hoods and coils of angry snakes. We see these beings to be ablaze with the flames of suffering. We therefore go to the cremation grounds, O King, delighting in the determination to be free.
reference: Lamrim Commentary Track 82B

@adrian: The term “wavering images of the moon in water” reminds me of the photos of beautiful models in magazines. I feel envious of how pretty they look and wish I look like them too. But then, it’s rather foolish of me to want to look like them because I’m not and I can’t because the pictures have been air-brushed, computer altered etc. So my foolishness about this is really undesirable. What are the other things of the world that you can think of which is like wavering images of the moon too? :rofl:

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another thing that I am beginning to see as more of a illusion…I would even call it a trap…is striving for wealth…(I still get seduced by it more often than not).

I try to remind myself that a person can get by with less.

Master Ri-Chang had something to say on wealth too:

Taken from his Lamrim Commentary Track 83A

My interpretation:

  • the rich get troubled protecting their wealth and busy themselves on it
  • the poor experience much pain trying to get wealth
  • both of them suffer and it is all for nought
  • it is a result of the fruits of their karma past and in turn this becomes the cause of their future fruits. It is totally pointless!